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Russian film director, actor, screenwriter and writer. Honoured Art Worker of the RSFSR, winner of the Lenin Prize, the USSR State Prize and the Vasilyev Brothers State Prize of the RSFSR
Vasily Shukshin

Amazing biography of a talented man

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin was born on 25 July 1929 in the village of Srostki, Biysk district, Altai Territory. His parents were peasants. After graduating from school, the young man worked as a mechanic, after which he served in the navy, and returning, got a job as director of an evening school in his native village. Since 1954 Vasily Makarovich lived in Moscow, where he graduated from the Faculty of Directing at VGIK. Since 1959, he began to write stories, and soon published a collection of "Villagers".

In 1964, on his own script Shukshin put the film "Lives such a guy", which won the prize "Golden Lion" at the International Venice Film Festival. He repeatedly contrasted the "freshness" of the village with the standardisation of the city, confronting a man longing for a soulful holiday with the soullessness of bourgeois life. The greatest artistic strength of this theme found in the film story "Red raspberry", where the author played the main role. The film won the Seventh All-Union Baku Film Festival.

Literary description of the everyday life of villagers

Over the years, Vasily Shukshin wrote about one and a half hundred stories, several novels and novels. Some of his works became part of the school programme. The best books of the author are considered the following:



"Vladimir Semyonych from the soft section"

"Grinka Malyugin"

"Two on a cart"

Laconic description of the Russian countryside, heroes with a hard fate and difficult life of villagers - the main themes of the writer's works. His books emotionally reveal moral problems and make the reader think about many things. Shukshin's literary style is brightly coloured by the flavour of colloquial speech.

Vasily Makarovich died suddenly on 2 October 1974 in the village of Kletskaya, Volgograd region, while on the set of the film "They Fought for the Motherland". He is buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery (Moscow).